A salt room was opened in the Zelenodolsk Rehabilitation Center for special children "Trust" on a grant from the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan

25 May 2022, Wednesday

Zelenodolsk rehabilitation center "Trust" for children and adolescents with disabilities helps special children to adapt in life. Here the guys receive physiotherapy and other types of treatment. Now children have the opportunity to combine pleasant extracurricular activities with a useful pastime in the salt room. The new salt-chamber appeared here thanks to the Clean Air project, which is implemented by the Environmental Protection Assistance Fund named after A. I. Shchepovskikh.

 "We applied for a grant to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan and thanks to it we were able to implement this wonderful project for the second time. Let me remind you that under the Clean Air project, we have already installed such a room on the basis of the rehabilitation center for children with disabilities "Zdravushka" in Kazan, today we are opening it in Zelenodolsk," says Andrey Agarkov, the head of the foundation. 

"After visiting the "Zdravushka" in Kazan, we got the idea to install the same room. The salt room is necessary for children, for complex, preventive treatment. I want to say a huge thank you to the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan and, of course, to its head Alexander Shadrikov, as well as to the head of the foundation Andrey Agarkov," Gulnara Karimova, Director of the Trust Center, shared. See more in our video report.

For reference: A salt room is a room in which the conditions of a salt cave or a speleo cave are created. An aerosol is sprayed in it — a special solution of sodium chloride, in which up to 90% of small particles have a size of 0.5—5 microns. Such particles, due to their small size, penetrate into the deepest parts of the human respiratory tract. They reduce the activity of infectious and inflammatory processes, while increasing and activating immunity.

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