Take part in the All-Russian competition "My Green School"

17 December 2021, Friday

All-Russian portal "Ecoclass.rf" has launched a competition of environmental projects "My Green school". The purpose of the event is to find effective ways to introduce "green" practices in educational institutions and involve schoolchildren in solving environmental issues.

The competition will help to make educational institutions more "green" in several areas:

- responsible waste management and resource conservation;

- landscaping of buildings and rational use of school and university grounds;

- water conservation and improvement of water quality;

- energy saving and energy efficiency;

- environmental education.

To participate, you need to register on the official website https://конкурс.зеленыешколы .rf/. Ten schools that scored the highest number of points according to the expert commission will receive themed gifts. The best practices will be included in the final collection of the project, and all participants of the competition will receive diplomas.

For more information, see Provision.

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