The drawing contest "Second Life to waste" has started

5 October 2021, Tuesday

The competition was announced among schoolchildren aged 7 to 12 years. The organizer of the event is LLC "CC "PZhKH" - a regional operator for the management of solid municipal waste in the Western zone of Tatarstan. The main goal is to attract the attention of the younger generation to separate collection and to the issues of competent waste sorting.

Children living in the area of activity of the regional operator can take part in the competition.

In their creative works, students should tell what can be made from recycled waste and what recyclables get a second life. Subject: recycling of waste. 

Terms of the competition:

1) make a drawing on an A4 sheet - in any technique (oil, watercolor, ink, crayons, colored pencils, etc.);

2) subscribe to the social network groups of the CC PZhKH (VKontakte, Instagram);

3) send scanned drawings and photos by e-mail with a note in the subject of the letter "for the competition", or by Russian post to the address: 420110, Kazan, Brothers Kasimov st, 47.

The works are accepted until November 1, the results will be summed up on November 15, 2021, on the World Recycling Day, or Recycling of Waste.

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