140 thousand cubic meters of silt were removed from the bottom of water bodies in Derzhavino and Nikolskoye villages

9 July 2021, Friday

In the Laishevsky district, work to clean up two reservoirs within the framework of the federal project "Conservation of unique water bodies" of the national project "Ecology" is underway. Today, Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan Yegor Tarnavsky visited Derzhavino and Nikolskoye villages.

In the village of Derzhavino, representatives of the district clearly showed how the pond is cleaned and bottom sediments are dredged in a hydro-mechanized way. "After the removal of silt, springs open, which is important for feeding the reservoir. As a result of the activities carried out, the flora and fauna of the pond will improve. The main amount of work will be completed this year, " said Stanislav Maksimov, an employee of the contractor organization.

In total, 34 hectares are planned to be cleaned in the area of the mirror of the reservoir in the village of Derzhavino, the length of clearing along the coastal strip will be 7.2 km. More than 38 million rubles have been allocated for this.

The project to preserve unique water bodies is very important for the rural settlement, local residents say. "This is our only place for swimming, walking and relaxing. Also, the reservoir serves us for fire safety purposes, " said the head of the Derzhavinsky rural settlement Islamiya Kamalieva.

Residents of the village of Nikolskoye, where the holiday of Russian folklore "Karavon" is held annually, are also happy about the clearing of the reservoir. 100 thousand cubic meters of silt have already been removed from the bottom of the Mesha riverbed.  To date, the uprooting and cutting of tree and shrub vegetation is also carried out. In total, more than 32 hectares of the water surface area will be cleared, the length will be 4 km. The cost of the object is about 55 million rubles.

The purpose of the measures is to deepen the shallow water, remove the sediment layer containing biogenic elements in the bottom sediments, which will eliminate the risk of secondary water pollution. This year, it is planned to extract about 400 thousand cubic meters of silt from the bottom of the Derzhavino and Nikolskoye water bodies.

"Today in the republic we are implementing 3 measures to preserve unique water bodies: in the Laishevsky district and Mamadysh. In general, 99 million rubles will be spent on the federal project this year. The completion date is 2022. As a result of the events, the living conditions of more than 17 thousand citizens will improve," Deputy Minister Yegor Tarnavsky said.

In the Republic of Tatarstan, according to the national project "Ecology", it is also planned to clean up the Melekeski River in Naberezhnye Chelny. To date, the development of design and estimate documentation is underway. 

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