A landfill with an area of 1500 sq. m. in the Buinsky district has been liquidated

1 July 2021, Thursday

Unauthorized storage of production and consumption waste was revealed by inspectors of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan during a planned raid on the territory of the Buinsky district. Unsorted garbage from homes, polyethylene films, glass and glass products littered the site of the former landfill for temporary waste disposal in the village of Kiyat. The area was 1500 sq. m., the volume was 1000 cubic meters.

In relation to the Kiyatsky rural settlement of the Buinsky MD of the Republic of Tatarstan, an order was issued to eliminate the violation. Currently, the landfill has been liquidated by the forces of the Kiyatsky rural settlement and the local agricultural enterprise OAO "Kiyatskoye", the territory has been brought into a sanitary and proper condition.

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