810 thousand RUR for littered territory. Damage to nature was calculated by environmentalists, Supreme Court made decision

11 September 2017, Monday

LLC Mehuborka Yugo-Vostok will compensate damage to the environment in the amount of 810 thousand RUR. The Supreme Court of the Republic of Tatarstan refused to satisfy the complaint against the decision of the Leninogorsk City Court.

The landfill, made by the enterprise LLC Mehuborka Yugo-Vostok, was found by the inspectors of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan in January 2015 at the municipal solid waste landfill in Leninogorsk. The area of ​​832m2 was littered with household waste in the volume of 810m3. For non-compliance with environmental and sanitary-epidemiological requirements when handling production and consumption wastes, the company Mehuborka Yugo-Vostok was prosecuted under art. 8.2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. Environmentalists estimated the damage to nature, caused as a result of dumping, at 810 thousand rubles. The enterprise refused to pay for the damage, after which the specialists of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration applied to the Leninogorsk City Court. As a result of consideration by the Court, a decision was made to collect the fine from LLC Mehuborka Yugo-Vostok. The perpetrator did not agree with the decision of the Court and lodged a cassation appeal with the Supreme Court of the RT. The complaint has not been satisfied, and the damage must be reimbursed.

Press Service of MENR RT

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