May 2021

From May 14 to 16, Kazan hosted a festival of sustainable development with the participation of German and Russian experts on the topic of ecology, inclusion and a barrier-free environment. The event was held at two venues in the city – in the MEGA Kazan shopping center and the Alafuzov Factory.  The Meet-Up "On the District" was timed to coincide with the Year of Germany in Russia. The organizers were the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Russian Federation, the Goethe-Institute in Moscow, and the Russian-German Chamber of Foreign Trade.

May 2021

"Ut belan shayarma!" – "Don't play with fire!" – under this name, a theatrical performance in the Tatar language was held in kindergarten No. 5 "Sun". The event was attended by specialists of the Priiksky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan.

April 2021

Today, pupils of the City Children's Ecological and Biological Center of Kazan took part in the All-Russian school action "Eco-orderly of the country", which was held on the territory of the Gorkinsko-Ometyevsky forest of Kazan. The event was attended by the head of the Department of Information Systems and Environmental Education of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan Damir Valiullin, Director of the City Children's Ecological and Biological Center Dilyara Galeeva and a representative of the Executive Committee Tatarstan regional branch of the "Russian Movement of Schoolchildren" Valery Khasanchenko.

April 2021

The solemn dedication of the pupils of the senior group was held for the children of the kindergarten "Teremok" in Buinsk. The event was attended by specialists of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. 

April 2021

Much attention is now paid to the education of the ecological culture of the younger generation. To make this process exciting, entertaining and informative, teachers use various forms of work. So, the staff of the kindergarten "Goldfish" and "Sun" together with the "Gymnasium of Aznakaevo" held a presentation "Spring Eco-fashion 2021!" The event was organized on the site of the kindergarten of MBDOU No. 15. in Aznakaevo.  The children presented colorful costumes made of paper, cardboard, garbage and plastic bags, disposable dishes, newspapers and napkins.

April 2021

Students of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions are invited to participate in the traditional project within the framework of the GIS of the Republic of Tatarstan "People's Control" to inform about places of unauthorized waste disposal.

Applications for the category "Landfills" are accepted for participation.

April 2021

3 winners and 15 prize-winners from the Republic of Tatarstan – these are the results of the last All-Russian Olympiad on Ecology.  The event was held from 7 to 13 April at the North Caucasus Federal University (NCFU) of Stavropol Territory. In it, the republic was represented by 36 students of Tatarstan. 

April 2021

From sawdust, nylon stocking and grass seeds, an ecological toy "Travyanchik" was created. In such a creative manner an environmental lesson in the framework of "Ecovesna-2021" campaign was conducted in "Nest" kindergarten No.8.  The event was attended by employees of the Priiksky Territorial Administration of the Ministry.  

April 2021

Head of the Department of the State Inspection of Environmental Supervision of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, Alexey Polyushkov, met with students of the 4th year full-time department in "Land Law" discipline at Kazan Federal University. During the lecture, he spoke about environmental supervision in the field of subsurface use, in the field of waste management, protection of atmospheric air and water bodies.

April 2021

From May 14 to 16, Kazan will host a meeting-festival of sustainable development and urban activism with the participation of German and Russian experts on the topic of ecology, inclusion and a barrier-free environment. The organizers are the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Goethe-Institut and the Russian-German Chamber of Foreign Trade. The purpose of the festival is to discuss specific project ideas, exchange international experience, and search for synergies to develop sustainable solutions for the city.

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