December 2019

Environmental lesson on topic: “Separate garbage collection” was conducted for students of the Kazan Cadet School - Boarding named after B.K. Kuznetsov. At the lecture, activists of the “Will Be Clean” environmental youth movement and specialists from the Central Territorial Administration spoke about the importance of separate waste collection.

November 2019

How important it is to turn off the light when leaving the room, how to promptly eliminate the leakage of water supply in houses - this and other issues were discussed with pupils of 9-11th grades at the Ivashkinskiy school of Cheremshanskiy municipal district. Specialists from South-Eastern Territorial Administration took part in the environmental lesson “My planet is my home!” Environmentalists have explained how our daily lives affect the health and well-being of the planet and all its inhabitants, and have revealed the topic of respect for natural resources in everyday life.

November 2019

Employees of the Prikamskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the State Public Institution “Menzelinskiy Forest District” held a thematic event on topic “Wintering Birds” at school No. 2 of Menzelinsk. Pupils became participants in the interactive game “Migratory Birds”, showed a theatrical performance, and also made bird feeders with their own hands. At the end of the ecological event, the pupils were given the magazines “From a Blank Slate” and the “School of Ecology”, and the most active were presented with certificates.

November 2019

     A meeting of the district methodological association on topic “Environmental Education of Preschool Children” was held in the premises of the kindergarten “Teremok” in Buinsk. The event was attended by pupils of kindergarten preparatory and senior groups, educators, teachers.

October 2019

An environmental lesson on topic “Water resources. Seas of ​​Russia” was held in the Ivashkinsky secondary school of Cheremshanskiy district. The event was attended by pupils of grades 5-8, they revealed the environmental issues of the country's water bodies, consolidated knowledge in a playful way. According to the brochures, the pupils guessed interactive crosswords and actively participated in master classes.

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