February 2021

The head of the department, Nikolai Vasin, informed that during the 351 inspections carried out, 330 violations of environmental legislation were revealed. The courts reviewed 56 materials, 96% of which are in favor of the Ministry. 1.6 million administrative fines were collected.

January 2021

An event dedicated to the World Snow Day was held in "the Center of Extracurricular work of Buinsk, Tatarstan» Municipal Budgetary Institution for Supplementary Education. The children experimented with snow, examined its crystal shape under a magnifying glass . It is worth mentioning that the World Snow Day was established only in 2012. By tradition, it is held on one of the Sundays in January.

December 2020

An interactive game “We are Friends of the Forest” was held in the Kindergarten of general developmental type “Skazka”. During the eco-lesson, the pupils performed all tasks with interest and showed positive emotions. “The main goal of such lessons is to form the foundations of ecological culture among the younger generation”, the teachers noted.

November 2020

“Let the green heart of nature always beat!” - under this motto, the preschool children of Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution “Teremok” in Buinsk held a “green day”. “Such events expand the knowledge of ecolyats, contribute to the formation of such personality traits as environmental culture and environmental literacy”, said employees of the Zavolzhskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan.


November 2020

They demonstrated their knowledge in the field of environmental protection, consolidated knowledge about wild animals, got acquainted with the flora and fauna inhabiting our forests. An ecological KVN “We are young ecologists” was held at the Kindergarten of general developmental type “Skazka” in Buinsk. The guys showed interest and activity in the interactive game. Inspectors of the Zavolzhskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry appreciated the knowledge of the participants and presented them with prizes.

October 2020

How to prevent a small battery from causing a big trouble? Experts from the Zavolzhskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted an educational environmental lesson with pupils of the kindergarten “Romashka” in Buinsk.

October 2020

Environmental lessons on “Ecology and Energy Saving” as part of the social campaign in support of the All-Russian Festival of Energy Saving and Ecology #ВместеЯрче were conducted in the Secondary School No. 7 in Almetyevsk and Gymnasium named after M.M. Vakhitov of Buinsk.

Pupils watched videos on energy saving, learned about alternative energy sources.

September 2020

Illegal mining of construction sand was discovered by inspectors of the Zavolzhskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan on the eastern outskirts of the Bolshaya Karlanga village during a planned raid. The development area was 15.7 square meters, the depth of subsoil extraction was 3 meters.

August 2020

The Zavolzhskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan received a message through the People's Control system that a huge dump was formed near the Malye Saltyki village. The ecologists immediately made a visit to the address indicated in the appeal. During the inspection, the violation was confirmed. Territory with an area of 950 square meters, a volume of 600 cubic meters was littered with production and consumption waste.

August 2020

The fact of illegal mining of construction sand was recorded by inspectors of the Zavolzhskiy Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan on the banks of the Sviyaga River, near the Pochinok-Enaevo village. The total area of ​​the illegal quarry was 20 square meters, the depth of subsoil extraction is 0.8 m. In addition, at the time of the arrival of the ecologists, the vehicle that was carrying out the extraction was 10 meters from the coastline, which is a violation of environmental legislation.

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