April 2021

Ecologists of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan in the village of Shonguty in the Apastovsky district revealed unauthorized disposal of waste from demolition and disassembly of buildings. The area of the cluttered territory added up to 285 sq. m., with the volume of 230 cubic meters.

April 2021

Kids played educational games, figured out riddles, recited poems and sang songs. Eco-classes were held in pre-school educational institutions "Svetoforik" and "Skazka" in Buinsk. The event was attended by employees of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. During the lesson, the children were also shown a thematic presentation "The Earth is our common home".

April 2021

Unauthorized placement of wood waste, as well as from the demolition and dismantling of buildings, was revealed by inspectors of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan in the urban-type settlement of Apastovo. The area of the cluttered territory is 147 sq. m., the volume is 85 cubic meters.

April 2021

In kindergarten​ ​"Teremok" of Buinsk an intellectual game "What? Where? When?" on the topic "Experts in nature" for students of the senior and preparatory groups was held.​ ​The goal is to form a firm interest of children in nature.

April 2021

As part of the all-Russian campaign "Battle of eco-educators" in school No. 1 of Buinsk an eco-lesson on the theme "Our home. Nothing extra" was held. The purpose of the event is to introduce students to how everyday habits affect the well-being of the planet, and to motivate them to behave in an environmentally competent way in everyday life.

April 2021

Within the framework of the sanitary and ecological two-month period, inspectors of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted a raid, during which  the fact of dumping construction and wood waste was discovered on the territory of the village of Bolshye Kaibitsy, . The total area of the cluttered plot was 140 sq. m., the volume – 55 cubic meters.

April 2021

What is ecological balance and what does it depend on? Guliya Sadretdinova, a specialist of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, spoke about the balance of stability of living organisms to students of the gymnasium named after M. M. Vakhitov, Buinsk.

March 2021

Work within sanitary and environmental two-month plan was discussed today at the zonal meeting in Buinsk and Tyulyachi. The event was attended by the First Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan - Chief State Inspector of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of environmental protection Fayaz Shakirov, employees of the department, heads of executive committees, enterprises and organizations of housing and communal services, heads of administrative commissions and administrative and technical inspections of municipal districts and urban districts subordinate to the Northern and Zavolzhsky territorial departments of the Ministry.

March 2021

At the request of citizens, waste from the demolition and dismantling of buildings in the form of wood debris was identified by inspectors of the Zavolzhsky territorial administration of the Ministry on the outskirts of Tonsherma village. The area of the cluttered plot was 150 sq. m., the volume – 27 cubic meters.

February 2021

The fact of non-compliance with environmental and sanitary-epidemiological requirements in the management of production and consumption waste was revealed near the village of Shonguty. The garbage generated as a result of repair works was dumped on the territory of the gas station on an area of 42 sq. m. Currently, within the framework of the issued order, the territory is brought into proper condition.

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