May 2021

"Ut belan shayarma!" – "Don't play with fire!" – under this name, a theatrical performance in the Tatar language was held in kindergarten No. 5 "Sun". The event was attended by specialists of the Priiksky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan.

May 2021

A brick breakage, unsorted waste from homes, as well as plastic and glass bottles littered the soil on the territory of the Absalyamovsky rural settlement of the Yutazinsky district. The violation was revealed by the inspectors of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan during the raid. The area of the contaminated site amounted to 450 sq. m., the volume – 180 cubic meters.

April 2021

Construction waste, as well as unsorted garbage from homes littered the territory of the western part of the village of Urussu of the Yutazinsky district. The violation of the environmental legislation was revealed by the inspectors of the Priiksky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan within the framework of the sanitary and ecological two-month period. The total area of the contaminated site was 570 sq. m., the volume – 684 cubic meters.

April 2021

Much attention is now paid to the education of the ecological culture of the younger generation. To make this process exciting, entertaining and informative, teachers use various forms of work. So, the staff of the kindergarten "Goldfish" and "Sun" together with the "Gymnasium of Aznakaevo" held a presentation "Spring Eco-fashion 2021!" The event was organized on the site of the kindergarten of MBDOU No. 15. in Aznakaevo.  The children presented colorful costumes made of paper, cardboard, garbage and plastic bags, disposable dishes, newspapers and napkins.

April 2021

On this topic, an environmental lesson was held in the kindergarten No. 8 "Nest" in Aznakaevo, aimed at forming a positive attitude of the child to the environment. The purpose of the event is to teach children to love and protect nature, to use natural resources rationally.

April 2021

From sawdust, nylon stocking and grass seeds, an ecological toy "Travyanchik" was created. In such a creative manner an environmental lesson in the framework of "Ecovesna-2021" campaign was conducted in "Nest" kindergarten No.8.  The event was attended by employees of the Priiksky Territorial Administration of the Ministry.  

April 2021

Unsorted waste from homes, rubber, wood debris and plant residues were identified by inspectors of the Priiksky Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan in the western part of the village of Urussu, as part of a two-month sanitary and environmental campaign. The total area of the cluttered plot was 570 sq. m., the volume – 680 cubic meters. 


April 2021

In the year of native languages and national unity, the Tatar folk rite "Karga botkasy" ("Rook porridge") was held in kindergarten No. 5 in Aznakaevo. At the event, the children organized competitions, showed their skills and talents: told poems about birds, performed national songs and dances, and also led a round dance.

March 2021

We recall that in the spring of last year, as a result of a traffic accident on Muslyumovo-Aktanysh highway, tanker carrying oil overturned. The water spilled over the roadside and along the storm drain into the Bikmes creek (the right tributary of the Kazanchinka River). The specialists of the SIAC Priiksky Territorial Administration of the Ministry took samples of polluted water and soil.

February 2021

The fact of unauthorized waste disposal from winter cleaning was revealed by the inspectors of the Priiksky territorial administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan in the small town of Aktyubinsky of Aznakayevsky district. On the fact of cluttering of a plot of 1000 sq. m. in relation to the director of the municipal unitary Enterprise, an administrative protocol under art.3.6 Administrative Code of the Republic of Tatarstan was drawn up, the material was submitted to the administrative commission of the Aznakaevsky municipal district for decision-making. Currently, the waste has been removed, the territory is put in order.

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