Take part in "By nature" photo contest!

13 July 2021, Tuesday

The photo contest is held in order to draw attention to environmental problems, the richness and diversity of Russia's natural heritage, and to foster a careful attitude to the environment. The organizer is the editorial board of the online publication "Ecology of Russia" – National project Ecology of the Russian Federation.

Persons over the age of 18 are invited to participate.

Contest nominations:

1) "Mistakes in nature": photos illustrating the problems and/or their consequences in the current environmental situation in Russia. From unauthorized landfills to harmful industrial production that harm nature.

2) "Ecotourism": footage from trips around Russia in the format of ecotourism – guest houses in nature and glamping, nature trails and nature museums, ecotourism activities, etc.

3) "Protected riches through the eyes of a tourist": shots demonstrating the diversity and beauty of the natural territories of Russia. Landscapes, scenery, animals, birds, etc.

4) "Protected riches through the eyes of the keeper" - a special nomination for employees of specially protected natural territories. Photos showing the diversity and beauty of the specially protected natural territories of the country are accepted. Including those taken in specially protected natural areas with the help of photo and video traps.

The winners of the Contest in each category receive prizes - a laptop with a pre-installed photo editor program, a passable fat bike, a tourist trip to one of the protected regions of Russia and a quadcopter with a camera.

The competition will last until July 1, 2022. To participate, you must register at: https://ecologyofrussia.ru/photokonkurs/anketa/.  

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